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SPC is committed to build a cohesive, cooperative and dynamic society through synergy and professional development

The board of the Commonwealth Foundation, unanimously selected the Singapore Professional Centre, as a model for other centres in the Commonwealth Countries.

The Singapore Professional Centre is committed to the development of its members, in their respective professions, and also as citizens of Singapore. Its founding philosophy, is to bring the professionals together, and harness their unique combination of diversity and talents, to build a better society, not only for themselves, but also for the country.

To this end, the SPC has in its 35 years of history, organised conventions, exhibitions, seminars, dialogue sessions, closed-door sessions with ministers and members of parliament, on issues of national interest and
professionalism, and a host of other events, each with a different emphasis, and of varying scales, to meet the needs of its members.
Singapore Professional Centre
93 Toa Payoh Central #05-01
Toa Payoh Central Community Building
Singapore 319194
Tel: 6251 5503
Fax: 6252 4533