Career Development: A Term in Evolution/Revolution in Hong Kong

William Y.Wu, Ph.D.
Thinking Qualities Initiative
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong, China

> As an educator interested in the study of creative and productive workforce
> As a participant observer making a report based on selective themes
> Report is selective and with focus

A Profile
> Career Service
> Career Education
> Career Development and Research

Career Development in Hong Kong: Selected Shaping Forces

Cross-cultural Investigation Government
> Tertiary Education > Educational Reform
> Secondary/Primary education > Quality Education Fund
Globalization > University Grant Committee (UGC)
> Labor Mobility Business
International Foundations Local Foundations

Selected Shaping Forces

Cross-cultural Investigation
> Tertiary Education
> Secondary/Primary Education

>  Labor mobility

International Foundations

Selected Shaping Forces

> Educational Reform
> Quality Education Fund
> University Grant Committee (UGC)


Local Foundations

Educational Reform and Eight Key Learning Areas
1. Chinese Language Education
2. English Language Education
3. Mathematics Education
4. Personal, Social, Humanities Education
5. Science Education
6. Technology Education
7. Arts Education
8. Physical Education

Educational Reform and Nine Skills
1. Collaboration Skills
2. Communication Skills
3. Creativity
4. Critical thinking skills
5. Information technology skills
6. Numeracy skills
7. Problem solving skills
8. Self-management skills
9. Study skills

New Vocabulary for the 21st Century

  • Career
  • Career Development, Career Maturity
  • Career Management
  • Career Education, Career Guidance
  • Career Path, Career Ladder, Career Lattice
  • Occupation, Job
  • Position
  • Leisure, Avocation
  • Career Awareness

Convergent Initiatives
Knowledge-based Economy/Society

In the Hong Kong community, there is a strong interest in vocational psychology and a heightened public awareness of the relevance and importance of career development and guidance in educational institutions as well as workplaces.

1. A set of career skills
2. Infusion of career skills into school subjects
3. Infusion of career skills into the school curriculum
4. Infusion of career skills into the community